Saturday, April 20, 2013

Back in the Heartland

“A tree takes a long time to grow, and wounds take a long time to heal. But we must begin. Those who are lost now belong to God. Some day we will be with them. But until that happens, their legacy must be our lives.”
-Bill Cinton in his Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Speech
I know the Boston Marathon and West, Texas tragedies are weighing hard on all of our hearts this week. As an Oklahoman, I know many people who can relate with everything that those affected are currently going through. I can’t say that I know firsthand; I was just 4 years old on the morning of the Murrah building bombing. The only thing I remember is my parents watching the news that evening and, even then, I don’t know if that’s a true memory. I had no idea until last year that my dad actually felt the blast while at work just a few blocks away. However, I do know that the tragedy brought us together and helped to shape us into the amazing community we are today.

I received a few texts immediately following the news of the Boston bombing, asking if I was still going to run the upcoming Memorial Marathon. They took me completely by surprise. It is almost a no-brainer that this marathon would go on. After all, that is exactly the spirit behind which it was organized. Last summer, I finally visited the Memorial with family members and I’ve never had a more humbling experience regarding my upbringing. I am so proud to be from a place which rose from a tragedy so gracefully and I am glad to see that Boston is doing the same. In a week’s time, I will be running the marathon. Not just for myself, not just to remember the 168 victims, but also to show my respect for the Boston community.

I personally hate politics because of how much it divides people. I hate election time. I hate to hear people bitching at each other because of differing views. Maybe I have the soul of an old hippie or something but I just wish we could exist as a country that works together and makes compromises in order for the best outcome. After visiting the memorial, the thing that stuck out to me most was how much support the rest of the country gave to Oklahoma in our time of need. 

If we can do anything to show the people of Boston that we are there for them, then, by God, let’s. Put on your red socks next Sunday and run the marathon, the 5k, the relay or just come out and cheer the runners on. <3