So blogging is hard. Especially when you've been doing absolutely nothing with your life all Christmas break. :)
Anyway, I'll just do a few quick updates and go get ready for work.
1. My 12 week post-op is on Wednesday! That means I get to start weening off the brace. :) Finally! I'm ready to be done with the weird looks and getting asked what it is/what happened to me every 5 minutes. I'm thankful that it wasn't a body cast or something worse but I'm SO glad to finally be getting it off.
2. School starts on Tuesday. Weird to think that this would have been my last semester of college had I not had the accident or surgery. I'm old! My classes are all from 9 am - 9pm on Tuesday and Thursday. I didn't plan it that way, and while it gives me a 4-day weekend, it's still probably going to suck. I'll be going into the office a lot of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's from 10-4 so I'm basically going to be grown up. What a bummer!
3. I really want a puppy.
4. Kindles make reading super easy, Temple Run is an awesome game, I can't wait to catch up on Caged and for The Challenge to start back on MTV. So maybe it's a good thing that I'll be super busy this semester.
5. In the next couple of weeks I want to try and replicate this race bib holder. I'm sure it will be a disaster but hopefully it will work.
Alright, see ya.!
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