Tuesday, January 15, 2013

moving forward

Maggie Mae and I have officially (well, sort of) settled in Austin. I'm all moved in to the new house - just have a few more boxes to unpack. I've spent the last two days unpacking and getting used to the city. Austin is way different than Norman and I'm already missing everyone like crazy but I'm glad to finally start this new chapter in my life.

The weather is going to start warming up for the rest of the week and I think tomorrow is the time to take Maggie to her first Austin dog park. She's going to freak out and love it, for sure. I can barely believe she's 6 months!

In other news, I will definitely be running the OKC Memorial Marathon; the full one this time! I'm a little nervous because I've been slacking so much lately but we'll see how it goes. Unfortunately, it will probably be my only full marathon just because of the stress on my back. I just keep reminding myself that I'll still be able to do shorter runs and that most normal people don't want to run 26.2 miles even once in their lives. :)

Okay, back to the job search! Have a great evening, all.

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