Tuesday, November 1, 2011

back to school

Today has been a pretty heavy homework day. I’m getting a little worried about school and because I have yet to hear from one of my professors, I’m concerned that I may need to drop another class. I can still pick up some slack with two intercession courses in December but man, I would love to not worry about school for like a month.

Sitting up in this position for a few hours has already got me searching the web for those chair-shaped pillow things!

After I get this homework done, my mom will be carting me off to the good old Guthrie Wal-Mart. I’m sure to see a few people I know and the brace will probably be kindling for conversation so this could very likely be the longest Wal-Mart run of my life!

The only accident-specific items on my shopping list today are the aforementioned pillow and something easy and comfortable to sleep in. I don’t know that Guthrie’s Wal-Mart is the best place to locate the latter but you would not believe how big a pain it is to change clothes with this brace so I am that desperate. Luckily, I have noticed that my mobility is getting much better and I am infinitely less sore than a few days ago. Yesterday I endured a full day of riding in the car, getting my eyebrows waxed, selling my A&M ticket and picking up some things from my apartment in Norman all with only one dose of pain meds. Started getting a little sore there at the end but I was pretty proud of myself.

Besides the pillow, sleepwear and some toiletries, I’ve decided to pick up some materials to create this DIY lace mason jar that I saw a while back on Pinterest. Aside from homework and television, I don’t have a huge amount to do right now. Actually taking the time to make some of the things I’ve pinned seems like a great time killer. It’s heinously windy outside today so I am going to wait until tomorrow to attempt the mason jar and we’ll have to see how that one turns out.

For now, I’m off to attempt to teach myself Italian. …yeah. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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