Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I have to start going into the office and actually working tomorrow so my plan for today? Do a huge amount of nothing. I figured I would blog just to feel a little productive! But don't worry, I'm not being too productive; I'm just stealing some ideas from my sister and doing a "year in review" type of post.

2011 started off great with a new roommate, a snowstorm, a week off school, lots of wine and Mario Kart 64. My impending graduation really made me appreciate my time as a college student throughout the year. Having freedom and very little responsibility is a questionable combination and it has got to make all of us the most retarded group of people on the planet. But it's a lot of fun and you only get this opportunity once. Might as well live it up!

In May, I ran the OKC Memorial Half Marathon! Definitely one of my proudest accomplishments because not only was the training intense, but we were getting stormed on for the whole two-three hours. I'm glad I decided to follow in my older sisters' footsteps and do this whole running thing. I never thought I'd be able to run even 5 miles, much less 10-13. And I REALLY never thought I would miss the ability to run. (Only a few more weeks!)

I took two summer classes this summer, spanning 8 weeks and totally blowing my tanning schedule. I hit kind of a rough patch and spent some time being pretty down on myself. I feel like I hit my lowest point of whatever you want to call my insane eating/confidence problems. Sounds cliche, but there really was no where to go from there but up. I'm almost glad that it happened because now I'm free to tackle those problems with the knowledge of what goes on when I ignore them.

I started off my first senior semester with a new apartment and another new roommate. I really lucked out in my apartment complex's "roommate matching" service. (yeah, right. they totally just put rando's together.) We never have any drama and I love coming home to sleazy reality shows with my rooms. It makes the stress of classes totally bearable. Not to mention, Jessi is basically like my personal therapist. I just have to pay her in cookie dough. :)

In September-ish, I got my internship. Definitely a great experience (despite the back-breaking). I'm excited to start my professional career and see where life takes me (and I'm really hoping that it is somewhere warm!) The internship is the first step towards that and an awesome opportunity for networking. I feel blessed to still have the experience!

I ended the year in a back brace and beyond ready to get back to normal. The whole incident has just made me a much more grateful person and I'm glad for that. I've grown a lot since October and, obviously, I wish it didn't have to happen in the way it did but it was a good learning experience, nonetheless.

Alright, I'm done dwelling in the past. Putting 2011 fully behind me and I'm ready to see what 2012 has to bring!

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