Tuesday, November 15, 2011

back aches and cupcakes

I was having a lot of pain yesterday and decided not to do any walking. I put my boredom and extra time to good use and learned how to make this recipe for a spinach, brown rice, and corn "cupcake." (Thanks again, Pinterest!) It's basically a frittata with all those ingredients but baked in a cupcake pan. They turned out pretty good (except I definitely need to add more cheese next time).
I had to Google "how to saute" because I'm that kitchen-inept. I'm still not really sure what it means, but I just went with it.

I didn't so much "shred" the spinach like the directions say; more like I tore it into big chunks. I'm a big fan of spinach but I don't often use it outside of salad, so I've been looking around for recipes that call for it.

I never really learned to cook and I don't have the patience to make it a hobby but it's good to know I have a few healthy staples in my arsenal that I can at least somewhat pull off.

That was my big cooking adventure for the week. It's back to microwave soup cups and salad for now! :)

1 comment:

  1. If you ever need any taste testers for your recipes...I'm your girl :) Those look delicious!
