Tuesday, November 22, 2011

running matters

I would give 1 million dollars to be able to run right now. It has been over a month, probably the longest stretch of time I’ve gone without running in 2 years. I want to hear my feet hitting the pavement and my “Work it Out” playlist banging in my ears. I want so badly to be able to just put my headphones in, blast out the door, and get 6 miles in for the day.
As a “young adult,” entering college, the idea of running 5ks and marathons blew my mind. Never in my life did I believe that I would be able to pick my fat butt up and run 8 miles at a time. I’ve been so proud of myself in the last two years. I have NEVER been able to motivate myself to do anything like I have been able to motivate myself to run. It has been even more challenging to let that part of my life go for the time being.
The wind against you, you’re heart beating like crazy, hacking and heaving, brain pounding: it’s freaking beautiful. It’s as if all odds are against you and it’s just you and the sidewalk in front of you. You’re about to show that sidewalk who’s the boss of this 3 miles and that it can totally suck it. I would give everything I own to be able to go back to normal, walk out my front door, and go for a run.
Moral of the story? Please remember when you’re dreading that long run: you could be without the ability to take it on. Your (or anyone’s) situation could change in a second. You could be sitting on a couch somewhere but instead, you’re making a difference. It may not be a huge difference and you may not be changing the world but you’re making a difference in your own life. So go out there and get it done! Accomplish your goals however big or small they might be because there might come a day when you can no longer do the thing you wish to accomplish. <3


  1. You definitely like running more than I do. I'm sure you'll be back at it before you know it.

  2. I just read this post and let me tell you, it was just what I needed. I signed up for a 10k about a month ago that is happening this Saturday - aka the day for the first chance of winter weather in OK. I had been dreading it but now, not so much. We'll have to run a race together as soon as you're completely (and I mean completely!) healed!
