Sunday, November 13, 2011

normal in norman

I am officially back in Norman and back in the swing of things! I drove myself back (with my mom following me) on Wednesday evening and I got back in my classes on Thursday. I’ve been back to the Huff to walk the track and do some arm workouts. I also went out to the Wormy Dog on Friday night to see Corey Smith. So beside wearing the brace, not being able to lift more than 10 pounds and not being able to run, I’m pretty much back to normal.

back to Norman!

Driving is a little bit uncomfortable but nothing that I can’t handle. My brace rides up and with my arms straight out, I get all sorts of top-brace action in my business. Once I’m out of the car (which takes a little longer than it used to), I’m good to go.

Since I hadn’t taken any pain meds in a few days, I jumped right in to my six pack of Fat Tire. I was saving it as celebration for finishing my 20 page paper but since my back was broken and I had to drop that class, I decided I deserved it anyway :).

Walking at the Huff is depressing in that I'm not able to do everything that I used to do. At the same time it's also giving me time to catch up on my reading. It takes SO much longer to walk 2 miles than it does to run it. I usually read on my phone, so I started a new book on Friday afternoon while I was walking. I just have to make sure I look up every now and then so I don't run into any one.

I'm back in classes, thus back to taking pictures of myself in Gaylord bathrooms. These were taken before and during my Thursday night class which is 3 hours long. I definitely had to get up a few times just to move around. My 50 minute and my 90 minute classes are not bad and I've been able to sit through them without getting up.

I finally got to see Corey Smith! I got a lot of strange looks but only one person actually said something to me and I'm not really sure what it was because he was pretty drunk. It's definitely weird to be the girl in the back brace, but I'm not going to let it stop me from enjoying my last year as a college student. Kenny Stills even tweeted that he was going to sign it :)!
Anyway, this was crazy long but I'm done. I've got to clean and organize the heck out of my room and then try 3 miles on the track today. I'd really like to walk outside because it's so nice but I'm not chancing being a mile and half away from my apartment and falling or something crazy. I'll just leave the windows down on my way there.

Enjoy the rest of your weekends!


  1. What book are you reading? I'm in need of some new literature...I'm glad things are getting back to normal for you! And hey- I'm sure people are doing double takes not to look at the brace, but to look at the lovely girl in it!

  2. Thanks, that's gotta be it! :)
    I started reading the Stephanie Plum books in the hospital just to see what I thought of them. They're alright but I'm not sure I'm that big of a fan. I've been looking around for something else and I'm going to start rereading The Book Thief soon. That's definitely one to check out if you haven't yet!
